The Captive & Field Herpetology Journal accepts numerous article types including both in and ex-situ focussed articles. Please see below for category types and get in touch for any clarification. If you wish to submit an experimental based study, please contact us beforehand to confirm suitability.
For exact formatting of your manuscript, see the submission form and use this form to submit all manuscripts. Abstracts may be included but are generally only included during the publication stage for longer, more complex articles. Figures/illustrations/tables should be sent separately, alongside the submission form and be accompanied by a suitable legend (figures/illustrations) or title (tables).
References should be cited consistently in the format of ‘LastName et al., Date’. Reference lists should be consistent and follow the style below.
Chan-ard, T., Parr, J.W.K. & Nabhitabhata, J. (2015) A Field Guide to the Reptiles of Thailand. Oxford University Press, New York. 292-293
Vogel, G. & David, P. & Pauwels, O. (2004) A review of morphological variation in Trimeresurus popeiorum (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae), with the description of two new species. Zootaxa 727: 1-63.
Citation strings should be separated via semi-colons and sequenced in chronological order.
Other formatting:
Time should follow the 24 hr format eg. 0900 h
Temperatures should be in celsius eg. 20°C
GPS coordinates should be in decimal degrees (DD) eg. 53.306514, -4.699404
There is no word count limit for any submission category but we advise all submissions to be as concise as possible. See previous issues for examples.
For any queries in regards to submitting a manuscript to the Captive & Field Herpetology Journal please feel free to contact our editorial team.
Captive Reports
Breeding notes
Care and culture notes
Novel techniques
Disease & illness
Behavioural observations
Field Reports
Natural history notes
Behavioural observations
Dietary observations
Disease & illness
Geographic based notes - new locality records, range extensions etc
Literature reviews focussing on old and recent literature
Book reviews
Casual Reports
We feature one casual report per issue. These are a relaxed style report, usually focussing on a field trip, expedition or similar. Whilst these articles are not subjected to peer-review, they will be subjected to editorial checks for writing quality. Due to only featuring one per issue, there may be some delay in publication.
The above are some of the main submission types received and published by Captive & Field Herpetology. If you have a submission type not listed above but feel it would be suited to our journal, please get in touch to discuss this with us.
All submissions should be sent to us via email, using the submission form to captiveandfieldherpetology@gmail.com.